Tuesday, February 28, 2012

RANT: dogs will be dogs

Its been awhile!! hopefully i can get back into the swing of things : )
for those of you who don't know, i actually own 4 pets (6 if you count the kids, 7 if you count Roger) they are:
Bleau: my 9 year old brindle bull terrier. (aka, the undie monster)
Katt: my 3 year old black rescue cat*
Toast: my calico faux Sphinx cat (aka, "the ripoff")
Hefewisen "Zen": my 10 month old doberman (aka mr. lickypants-obnoxticon)
*katt has no aka, because she doesn't even really have a first name so we never bothered labeling her with a second.
Zen, being 10 months old and 90 lbs, is going through his "i'm massive, full of energy, and incredibly obnoxious" stage, where i expect he will stay until he is about 2 years old. to curb his theatrical enthusiasm directed at our every movement, we try and take him to the dog park when we can, and walks in between. this normally does little to completely wear him out, but does make him tolerable for about 7 hours. Colorado springs is GREAT for dog parks, and recently we discovered a dog park of epic proportions located in the downtown area. its pretty much the Disneyland of dog parks. it sprawls over several acres, and is so big you can't actually see all of the fence line, and includes a few small hills and a creek that dogs can play in. there are bushes and trees, all with little dog made circles around them in the dirt. i actually get excited to go there and its not even for me.
On our latest trip to Dogsneyland, we went during the afternoon on a cloudy and overall chilly day. the park is always beaming with dogs, but there were more than i expected because of the weather. we took zen in, and let him lose to run like hell and let the air comb his ears. he did his normal thing, running, getting in other dogs faces, and being generally obnoxious. we were happy to see him taking it out on other people, because we know it makes him happy to do so.
one thing that always makes me nervous about the dog parks, are not the dogs, but the owners. being owners of the dopie-dobie that we have, we know that he is loving, charming, and an overall big pansy, but i know that's not always what the other dog owners see. i can see the nervousness sometimes. and that nervousness only amplifies when Zen displays the outward puppy nature of a dog that only has a lazy 9 year old bull terrier, and two extremely intolerant cats to play with at home. generally speaking, Zen is not too huge into other dogs. he goes around gruffing and jumping around with the other dogs when they are available, but he isn't so dog driven as to become aggressive over other dogs like my older dog bleau can (she is grounded from dog parks for that very reason) but he does have a tendency not to take a hint from other dogs when they are even less interested in him. it must be the kid mentality.
during a particular encounter of that nature, Zen was chasing around a Australian Shepard who was non-too thrilled about our dog's fascination with her. Zen likes to growl when he plays, we know this is a play growl, but when it comes from what appears to be a several year old adult dog, i must admit i am embarrassed by it. this was going on with the shepard. i will stress at this point, that zen was not trying to bite or fight with this dog, he is only running around after her, and "gruffing." she is running away from him, but in circles, and not appearing too frightened by him, just irritated. both dogs are out of any control we have over them, but raj and i are trying to get a hold of Zen and distract him away from this other dog, and her owner is calling her as well. i will also note that his dog is not listening to him any more then our dog is to us. after a mere 15 seconds or so of this encounter, the owner of the shepard, a hippie 20 something, turns to Raj and says "hey! get your fuckin dog!" *needle scratches on the record* whaaaaaat? is this guy for real? easy bro, its not that frickin serious. however we do, indeed get a hold of our dog, and before he gets any control over his i'll add. his dog finally comes over and he loudly praises her. it was undeserved of course since she didn't do anything fantastic, so this was obviously the "you're such a good girl and their dog is an evil monster." kinda praise he was directing at us, not her. we put zen on the leash, and by the time we were situated, he was already several yards away.
i'll admit i was embarrassed, but only for a few seconds. then i was furious. get your panties out of your ass you bleepity bleep bleep bleep!!!! i thought to myself. she was not hurt, she did not whine, she did not roll over in defeat while our dog tore at her. at most, he was being very boisterous and rowdy with her, and you have the arrogance to tell us, in the DOG PARK, to "get our fuckin dog?!?" i wanted so SO badly to walk over to him, i wanted even more badly for him to walk back into earshot of us. i even walked extra slowly from the park to see if we could cross paths, but of course we didn't. part of me wanted to yell and be a complete bitch about the whole thing. explain that when you get 80 dogs in one place you are going to have dogs that do not get along, and do not understand each other. and that unless his dog belonged to the queen of effing England, he had to business making demands of us, or telling us to control our dog when his dog was running around like a drunken maniac along with ours. the other part of me, just wanted to explain. he's a puppy, a big dumb puppy who didn't know she wasn't playing with him. he doesn't get to play with other dogs often, he's a doberman, but he is in no way vicious, anything to keep him from leaving with the stereotype in his head. but that's how it went down. now dobermans are just as he presumed, and i felt like a failure of a dog owner.
my official rant about this whole thing is this: dogs will be dogs, and if you cannot understand that, then maybe being a dog owner isn't a good look for you. i have had (on more than one occasion) a dog viciously attack Zen at the dog park. one instance with a very beefy pitbull that i actually had to pull off myself because his owner was like 19 and weighed a solid buck-five. she was mortified, but i said, hey, no worries. that dog could sense the unsure puppiness of zen and took advantage of the opportunity to dominate. it happens, cause thats how dogs work. Zen wasn't hurt, and never has been in any of the several encounters he's had with dogs that just don't play nice 100% of the time. obviously some dogs are more prone to conflict than others of course, and your dog may be a perfect angel around other dogs but you can't very well walk into a fenced arena full of carnivores and expect every dog will politely sniff butts, lap water with their pinky paw up and depart on good terms. dogs play rough, they bite, they play, they bark, its like being on a playground full of furry two year olds. it wouldn't be fair to say that any dog who does not have a perfect encounter with every other dog it meets has no business in the dog park. (although i understand that Bleau, and other dog aggressive breeds like her are not best suited for that environment) so, Mr. hippie-sensative-about-my-pooch-lameass, you and your dog can both suck it, cause i know zen meant no harm, and was no threat to your dog, and if your pooch is too delicate to interact with boisterous large breed puppies without you getting your man-panties in a twist, maybe yall should take up another hobby together. watercolors perhaps?

Sunday, March 13, 2011


i'm not a huge fan of Mcdonalds, never have been, but every once and awhile convenience trumps standards and ya gotta go with what's available. so a few days ago i find myself at the local Mc-e-deez to grab a late night dinner. now i never expect much when i go there to eat, and i realise no one working there is striving for top notch service and exceeding expectations, but do expect that when i order a cheeseburger, which has 3 main ingredients i fully expect all 3 to be present. this is what i think happened:

17 years old pothead/over 40 fuck up alcoholic mcdonalds worker:

so lets see here, we have the Mcbun, the mccheese, and the mcmeat. but since i mchate my life, lets just give these pleasant and oddly attractive paying customers the big mcfuck you, and leave off the mcmeat. yeah, take that successful youth in the sweet mitsubishi lancer!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


My younger son Jordan, age 4 and a pint as of this post, is notorious for saying the most random things and making up wild stories. One of these days i want to just grab a pad and paper so i can post some of the stories he's told me. i know one involved a fish, a can of soda, and eventually murder. (should i be worried? eh, i'll just blame violent TV) anywho, this is what he said to me in the car yesterday:

Me: randomly talking to the boys about their day

Jordan: (interrupting me) mom, i LOVE the sound of your voice!

Me: *smiles* well thanks son! why do you like my voice so much?

Jordan: because mom, you sound like a dog. you have a dog voice. i like dogs

Both boys then proceed to mimic my voice by barking wildly inthe car. the end.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gettin' Creative

With cake!!! Mmmmm cake. ya know whats better then cake? sex! but if you can't do that, then rainbow cake is a close second...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

15 Reasons you should love Tameaka Haynes

By Tameaka Haynes

oh how i love thee, let me count the ways......

1. I'm black. no one saw this coming right? but think about it, how many black friends do you really have? everybody needs at least one black friend, if only for the sole purpose of not appearing incredibly racist. but also to appreciate the not-so-subtle culture that comes from the black community. now, i know what you are thinking. um Tameaka? you are only half black. and i have a few things to say to that. first off, it's colorado fucking springs, let's not get picky. there aren't a lot of wesley snipes type peoples running around this joint. so quit looking a black stallion in the mouth. two, whenever a questionnaire asks for race, i put "black" so fuck that halfsies shit. no one looks at me and says, "hey, that girls only half colored, so she's fine in my book" they see a black woman, period. and third, you don't have to be chocolate on chocolate-chocolate to appreciate the izzle, gizzles and fo-shizzles of the black arts-fool.

2. i'm smart. let's not get it twisted, i have my moments, urryone does, but overall i can hold an intellectual conversation. there are a lot of dumb broads in this world (you know who you are). who has two thumbs and ain't one of 'em? this gal.

3. i love animals (yay puppies!) and i am a dog genius. that's right you heard me, genius. and i'm okay saying that. i am dog's best friend, and dog is your best friend. therefore, through simple math Tameaka is your best friend.

4. i'm not afraid of poop. again, let's not get crazy with our imaginations. i, in no way shape or form like/enjoy/fetish/love/dream of or get excited about poop. but tameaka fears no feces yall. i have a dog, two cats, two kids, and i used to clean dog kennels for a living. i have seen a lot of shit in my life. its kinda just "there" for me. not a lot of folks can say that. though disgusting, i think it makes me slightly more awesome (as a whole)

5. i talk dirty. here let me show you : %#*&$^ @($ @#* $@#!!!^* )@)*((&@# (@#&&$^#%@#$@. what i said right there, was WAY too dirty for the blogging universe. trust me, it was raw.

6. i'm left handed. that automatically makes me better than you.

7. i'm from another country. that means i am exotic : ) on top of that, have dual citizenship so BOOYAH. (it's with the united kingdom and the US, cause i know you wanna know)

8. on top of being exotic, and having dual citizenship (BOOYAH!) i also have like, a gang of culture. let's see here, i'm black, white and European?? thats like diversity fucking overload. my folks got mad jungle fever !! i can enjoy a cup a tea with a splash of gin and juice, while watching something incredibly white! (a rodeo maybe? pretty woman?)

9. i keeps it mad real.

10. i can have a martini with the girls, and beers with the boys. tameaka is not your average "girly girl" i can appreciate some candid girl talk about ya know "feelings". but i can also laugh at sex jokes, down a (light, maybe fruity type wimp) beer, and talk about who is rockin a sexy rack. i can watch porn, go shoe shopping, play sports, get my nails did, play beer pong, read cosmo, check out a sweet set of tits, and take a punch in the face (if anyone would ever fuckin punch me, for God sakes bitches bring it ON!)

11. i can suck a mean d!ck.

12. i have good family values. big ups to my dad, (i won't say your name due to the integrity of your profession, and the flat out classless nature of this blog) also big up to my moms JODIE HAYNES, cause Lord knows she can down a rum and coke and watch porn with the best of 'em. hugs and kisses : ) i look after my sis and bro when i can, and i think my folks do their best to look after me too. i have two boys which i adore (even though i hate children) and we are three peas in a pod....well, 7 peas when you count raj, katt, toast and bleau. i heart family.

13. i'm slightly hilarious. but just kinda. i'm like... i dunno, a 6.2? on the fucking LOL scale.

14. i can really appreciate music. music is my #2 fav thing eva. music and i are like this *crosses middle and index fingers* i love all types of music. techno, rap, R&B, poop loads of pop, old school, grunge, alternative and even a lil bit of country. i cannot, however, get behind death metal, and i have tried a couple times. but seriously? you call that shit music? i don't get it. i really try to do underground as much as possible, but i obviously look in all the wrong places since everything i find seems to end up on the radio. i've been successful a couple times, but i can't say i rep underground too much unfortunately. you really can't beat dancing around the house with your ipod though.

15. insert random radicleeze here. yall know how i do. Tameaka Haynes is amazeballs.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Being Tameaka Haynes

have you ever been two kinds of sick at the same time? naw, i bet your saying. that would TOTALLY suck. um, yeah it sure does.

Once upon a time, there was this totally awesome, smokin hot black chick named tameaka. on Opposite of Hell day, she got pretty sick with a head cold. it sucked, but headcolds are tolerable so she didn't let it steal her shine. one the 5th day of this completely undeserved day of suffering, she went and hung out with some friends of hers at their house. good times were had, and while there, tameka decided she deserved some louie's pizza and a good cold drink. the pizza was Divine, and she ate more pieces then she is willing to admit to the world on a public blog, but instead of her refreshing frosty brew, tameaka drank a poison called Four Loko. tameaka did not enjoy the taste of this drink, but it boasted a cheap price and 12% alcohol content, so she consumed one can and called it a night, or so she thought......

from midnight to 7 am the next day, tameaka barfed her sexy ass brains out. but since she hadn't eaten since dinner at 6, she didn't have any pizza to give the toilet Gods. They demanded payment, so she gave them the only things she had. do you remember her head cold? tameaka could only barf boogers, water and stomach bile. This did not make the Gods very happy, they made her barf six times before they were satisfied. (assholes) Tameaka was weak and tired, and vowed to tell the world about the poison that is Four Loco. beware its charms and snazzy camouflage can design. do not be fooled by its cheap price and enticing alcohol content! you, my gentle readers, have been warned.